Jul 14, 2009

one giant comeback post

Why blog once a week when you can blog once a year? You know it's been too long when you can't remember your login or password for blogger.
Well, I figured it out, and now I will proceed to create my longest blog post EVAR. I did a lot this year! I just didn't really have much time left over to share any of it :(

Last summer I made a quilt for my good friend Christine's wedding gift:
Then I went to said wedding, where I helped with many crafty wedding preparations:
I made these shirts for the bridesmaids:
I also met Fernando on this trip! My new second favourite dog!

Also last summer, I also participated in my first Artist Trading Card swap. I made 60 tiny Cloudy and Gerber Daisy silkscreens:

Then it was time to get ready for craft sale season. I did two sales last year, Three Oaks and Colonel Gray.

I then went on to have my most successful month ever on Etsy, selling lots of coasters, oven mitts and tea cozies:

Over Christmas holidays, I took a very brief trip to Halifax for a visit with Bonnie while she was passing through:

(it's fun traveling with a photographer!)

In January, I took on a huge custom order for a screen (this thing was HUGE!):
I also spent an inexplicable amount of time organizing my craft room and closet.

After (and amazingly, it still looks like this months later!):
How could I forget! Christine came to visit!

Then in March, I got a much needed vacation to visit my BRAND NEW NEPHEW! Quinn Allen Calof, born January 31, 2009:

We visited The Container Store TWICE which made me very organized and happy.Then I organized my sister's closet. Hey, I know I'm a geek and I've never claimed otherwise!

We got up at 5:00 am to wait in line for tickets to the Price is Right! It was totally worth it. Unfortunately, they don't allow cameras during the taping.

I call this face "Red Ross." Yup, geek!

I was home just long enough to get caught up at work, then took off again for Ontario for Lisa and Jordan's wedding, the Home Hardware Spring Market, and other various visits:

Maui wasn't too sure what to think of Fernando at first:

I think they were friends by the end of our visit!

There's a zoo in Waterloo! Who knew!
The door isn't the only one with issues :)

Vintage HH catalogs:

We stopped in Kingston on the way home for a Bubba's poutine for old times sake. It was alright, but not as good as I remembered. It must taste better at 3:00 am after a night at Stages :)

Ok, this post is getting huger than I had envisioned. I'll leave you with my Canada Day cupcakes, and with promises to keep much more up to date!

P.S. You can see many, many more of my pictures from all the above life events at my flickr!

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