Nov 5, 2005


So, last WINTER I decided I wanted to learn to knit. I got my mom to teach me, and she started me with a ball of her leftover yarn. I really wanted a skinny scarf, which I thought would go really fast. Well, this OCTOBER I finished it! I guess I put it down over the summer, because, really, who knits a scarf when it's hot out! Anyways, here's the result.

I guess the sense of accomplishment from finishing this one project got me obsessed with knitting, and now I can't stop! At least now when I'm watching TV I feel like I'm getting something done too. Unfortunately, my attention span for a project isn't that great, so I've got a few on the go at a time now, but I've finished another scarf and a neckwarmer (or, as I started to call it by accident and it stuck, a necker!).

skinny-roll-scarf (or why you shouldn't knit scarves in stockinette without a border - oops!)


So, now I'm in the middle of another necker for myself (the other one is an xmas gift for someone), and this scarf, which was my first try at ribbing. I liked the yarn in the roll, but now that it's knitted out, all the yellow ends up at one side, and I'm not too sure about it. Oh well, learning, learning, learning!

I also found out yesterday that the have some craft supplies at Value Village! Since I've been breaking the bank shopping at real stores, I was super excited to find yarn, needles and binding for $6.49 total! Check it out!

So, those are my first few adventures in knitting! Next up, my new embroidery obsession!

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